Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Email Scam

An scam email message is being sent out to a number of UGA email accounts. It claims to be from UGA's Abuse Department (which there is no department by that name) and states that your account is being suspended for security reasons unless you submit some personal information. If you should happen to receive a message that appears like the one below, just delete it and whatever you do, do not send a reply of any kind.

Subject: Account Alert
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 16:11:02 -0400
Dear Valued Member,

According to our terms of services, you will have to confirm your e-mail by the following link, or your account will be suspended for security reasons.

After following the instructions in the sheet, your account will not be interrupted and will continue as normal.
Thanks for your attention to this request. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Sincerely, Uga Abuse Department