Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Saxby Chambliss Fellowship

A message sent out by the SPIA undergraduate advising office.

The School of Public and International Affairs & Office of Senator Saxby Chambliss Foreign Policy and National Security Fellowship

The Office of Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) and the School of Public and International Affairs at the University of Georgia invite applications from SPIA undergraduate and graduate students for the Foreign Policy and National Security Fellowship.

The Foreign Policy and National Security Fellow will work for Senator Chambliss’ Senior Policy Advisor for National Security Affairs during the 2008 spring semester, January through May. The Fellow will be directly involved with a broad range of issues and activities in support of Senator Chambliss’ responsibilities in the field of international affairs, security policy, and intelligence oversight. The Fellow’s tasks will include the following:

* Assist in the preparation of background papers for the Senator’s meetings and Congressional hearings dealing with international affairs, security policy, and intelligence oversight.

* Attend selected Congressional hearings and prepares a précis of relevant points.

* Analyze the major on-going world events that impact U.S. security interests and provide commentary on their significance.

* Participate in discussions and briefings on national security issues at selected universities and think-tanks.

* Research certain foreign affairs topics using the Library of Congress and other available resources.

* Coordinate with the Executive Branch, especially the Departments of State and Defense, on a broad range of foreign polity issues.

* Work with other Senators’ offices and with the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe to coordinate Senator Chambliss’ endorsement of relevant bills, resolutions, and letters.

* Meet with certain individuals, on behalf of Senator Chambliss, to discuss their concerns and interest in national security affairs.

In addition to a stipend of $1,500 per month, the Fellow is expected to pursue academic credit through directed readings or an independent project related to the work of the Fellowship.

In order to apply, students should submit an application portfolio including:

- A letter of application

- A personal resume

- An official academic transcript (obtainable from the Registrar’s Office)

- A list of three references (at least two of which should be academic)

Applicant’s portfolios should be completed not later than OCTOBER 22nd to:

Office of the Dean
School of Public and International Affairs
The University of Georgia
204 Candler Hall
Athens, GA 30602-1492.

Finalists for the fellowship will be interviewed on campus during the 2007 fall semester. The selected Fellow will be notified not later than November 9, 2007.

Additional information: All undergraduates regardless of class standing are invited to apply. Required academic coursework will vary according to the Fellow’s needs. Ideally, the Fellow will register for INTL 4720, 4721 and 4722; although other options will be considered.

The Career Guide published by The Career Center provides general information on writing letters of application (p. 25) and creating personal resumes (pp. 14-21). The Career Guide can be picked up at The Career Center in Clark Howell Hall or in the Candler Hall lobby and is available as a “pdf” download at

Transcripts can be ordered at the Registrar’s Office. Your list of references will ideally come from faculty members, although one outside reference is acceptable.

The Dean’s Office will contact those students with completed applications on October 29th and 30th to schedule an interview to take place on November 5th.

Students may apply to both the Public Policy Fellowship and the Foreign Policy & National Security Fellowship.

Any questions can be forwarded to Paul Welch by email at or phone at (706) 542-0096.