Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Congratulations are in order

Congratulations to Drs. Douglas Stinnett and Jaroslav Tir upon receiving a National Science Foundation grant of $ 236,034 to examine the following topic: “ Avoiding Water Wars: Environmental Security Through River Treaty Institutionalization". Funds provided by this award include support from the US Department of Defense/Department of the Army/Army Research Office.

In addition, Dr. Tir's article, co-authored with Matt Fuhrmann (one of our very talented DIA Ph.D’s who is now an Assistant Professor at the University of South Carolina after a stint Harvard’s Belfer Center as a post-doc) entitled “Territorial Dimensions of Enduring Internal Rivalries” (2009; 26, 307-329) is a the top of the list of the 50 Most Frequently Read Articles (based on full-text and pdf views) in the Journal of Conflict Management and Peace Science. (That list is re-calculated on a monthly basis).

Last but certainly not least, IA alum Jheison Romain (AB '09) is serving a three month internship at the White House for the Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs. He is featured in an October 7 Red & Black article.