Monday, November 26, 2007

Fall 2007 course evaluations

Course evaluation packets have been distributed to our faculty and instructors, and some have already begun distributing them to their classes. These things are pretty straight forward and easy to complete, but there are just a couple of things to remember. First, only the front of the form has to be completed in pencil; ink is too reflective for the machine that processes the forms. We try to provide enough of the golf pencils for those who may need one, but sometimes our supply runs short as we offer more classes as time goes on. So if you find yourself having to share a pencil, you can complete the front in pencil but you can write any comments you'd like on the back in ballpoint pen.

Regarding comments you submit, the department staff literally retype them verbatim (including the emoticons that occasionally find their way in) into MS Word. Faculty members will see your comments as a typed Word document, not your hand-written evaluation form, to ensure anonymity as best we can.

Finally, for those who are double-majors, please pick the one you most closely identify with and use that to answer the first question, "What is your major?" The machine that processes the forms will reject your evaluation form is you fill in multiple responses for that question.

Many thanks!