Wednesday, October 03, 2007

2007 Learning Technologies Showcase

The Learning Technologies Showcase Planning Committee would like to remind everyone interested in teaching and learning with technology to attend this year's Learning Technologies Showcase.

The 2007 Learning Technologies Showcase provides UGA faculty, staff, and students the opportunity to "come explore how faculty at UGA are engaging students in learning with technology." This year's event takes
place on October 9, 2007, from 10 am to 3:30 pm, in the Tate Student Center, and includes faculty presentations on lecture-enhancing technology, interactive instruction, stereo visualization, and more.

This year's UGA presenters are all recipients of grants from the Learning Technologies Grants (LTG) program. The purpose of the LTG program is to enhance teaching and learning at the University of Georgia through the innovative use of media and information technology. This program supports explorations of new technology and is administered by the University's Committee for Academic and Instructional Technologies (CAIT).

This year's event also features a keynote speaker, author and instructional technology specialist Dan Schmit. Dan will be speaking on "Creative Learning Spaces in a Digital World" in Georgia Hall A, Tate Student Center, beginning at 12:30. Preceding Dan's talk will be a vendor luncheon, attended by several technology vendors supporting the 2007 LTS. The vendor luncheon begins at noon.

No registration is required for the showcase or the keynote luncheon; however, seating for the keynote luncheon is limited and attendees will be seated on a first-come basis.

For more information, including downloadable flyers and agenda, please see the Web site for the 2007 Learning Technologies Showcase: