Friday, August 10, 2007

Dang it's hot!

With a heatwave hitting us just in time for the opening of the campus dorms and just before the start of fall semester, some (hopefully) useful information from OSEP and the UHC.
TO:  UGA Faculty and Staff

FROM: The Office of Security & Emergency Preparedness and University Health Center

RE: Heat Advisory

Our offices have received a number of inquiries regarding appropriate practices to protect yourself during the current extreme heat wave. A list of guidelines, signs, and first aid for heat illness is available from the Office of Security and Emergency Preparedness Web site at To supplement the recent media advisories, we want to remind the University community to take precautions and observe others when outdoors. All employees and campus visitors required to spend time outdoors should be monitored carefully for any signs of heat-related illnesses. This is particularly important for all students, parents, volunteers, and staff involved in the upcoming residence hall move-in process which will require physical exertion. Because classes are not in session, this notice is being sent to faculty and staff only. If you are aware of students who are in Athens or on-campus during the summer, please feel free to forward this message to them.