Thursday, April 12, 2007

Computer Health and Secuirty Fair

Another message of interest from one of the many listservs on campus.

DATE: April 12, 2007

FROM: Bert DeSimone, EITS Communications Officer

SUBJECT: Computer Health and Secuirty Fair set for April 18

Enterprise Information Technology Services (EITS) is partnering with UGA's TEC Services for the spring 2007 Computer Health and Security Fair. TEC (Telecommunications, Electronics, and Computer) Services, a unit within the Office of Research Services, will be on site along with
EITS consultants and technicians to provide a security checkup for laptop computers.

UGA students, faculty, and staff are invited to bring their laptops to the Tate Student Center Art Gallery between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. for security assistance.

The security checkup includes virus scans and software updates, spyware removal, and more. Requests will be prioritized on a first-come, first-served basis.

A downloadable flyer, suitable for posting in areas visible to UGA students, faculty, and staff, is available here: