Friday, March 09, 2007

Russell Undergraduate Teaching Award

Congratulations to Dr. Jaroslav Tir on being named a recipient of the 2007 Richard B. Russell Teaching Award. Funded by the Richard B. Russell Foundation, the award recognizes excellence in undergraduate instruction at The University of Georgia by faculty members in their early academic careers.

Dr. Tir has been with the university since fall 2003. His book, Redrawing the Map to Promote Peace: Territorial Dispute Management via Territorial Changes, was published by Lexington Books in 2006. In his time at UGA Dr. Tir has taught undergraduate classes on international relations, comparative politics, and developed and taught a new course on modern warfare.

He is also the program director for the university’s Ecuador Conflict Resolution Study Abroad program in Quito, and is an instructor for the Croatia Maymester Study Abroad program.