Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Friday Forum, Sept. 8

Please join us Friday, September 8th from 1:00 to 2:00PM for the first presentation this Fall in an ongoing series of Friday fora hosted by The Center for the Study of Global Issues (GLOBIS).  This Friday's talk will be delivered by GLOBIS director, Dr. Han Park, and will focus on the status of negotiations to denuclearize the Korean Peninsula.  He will address the currently derailed six-party talks involving North Korea, South Korea, China, Japan, Russia, and the USA.  In addition, Dr. Park will discuss his recent travels to East Asia, including North Korea, incorporating his first hand experience with the diplomatic actors involved to illuminate the situation as it exists today.  Finally, he will also lay out the framework for 'track-two diplomacy' as a viable means of re-engaging the US and DPRK in meaningful negotiations on this important issue.

In addition, if anyone is interested in presenting a paper, thesis, prospectus, or dissertation to an interested and informed audience, please contact Jon Polk at the e-mail address or phone number listed below.

GLOBIS is located in historic Franklin House on the corner of Thomas St. and Broad St. at the Northern edge of campus. Please email jonpolk@uga.edu or call 542-6633 for directions.