Wednesday, March 01, 2006

GLOBIS Friday Forum, March 3

Please join us at GLOBIS for another Friday forum this Friday, 3 March, from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. when Dr. Maurits van der Veen will present his research entitled, "Framing the Purpose of European Integration." A brief abstract follows:

One of the most enduring questions in European integration concerns differences in attitudes among member states regarding new initiatives such as enlargement or "deepening" integration. Attempts to explain these differences by pointing to different economic interests fall short, as does the argument that those who have been members longest are the most supportive of further integration. I argue that different attitudes are explained by differing perceptions of the nature of interdependence within Europe. An examination of the debates regarding membership in six small Northern European countries illustrates the nature of these perceptions and demonstrates their importance for membership choices as well as subsequent decisions.

In addition, if anyone is interested in presenting a seminar paper, thesis, prospectus, or disseration to an interested and informed audience in preparation for academic conferences or job talks, please contact Regan Damron at the email address or phone number listed below.

GLOBIS is located in the historic Franklin House on the corner of Thomas St. and Broad St. at the northern edge of campus. Please email or call 542-6633 for directions.