Thursday, October 07, 2010

Fall 2010 Computer Health and Security Fair

UGA students, faculty, and staff are invited to bring their laptops to the second floor lobby of the Miller Learning Center between 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m., October 13, for security assistance. The security checkup includes virus scans and software updates, spyware removal, and more. Requests will be prioritized on a first-come, first-served basis.

The fair is intended to assist individuals with personally owned computers. Please be sure to consult your departmental IT professional before bringing a work computer to the fair.

2010 Study, Work, & Travel Abroad Fair

The 2010 Study, Work, & Travel Abroad Fair will be held on October 12th & 13th in the Fifth Floor Grand Hall of the Tate Student Center. For more information, go here.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

UGA Alumni Association to host Founders’ Day Lecture

In observance of the University of Georgia’s 225th anniversary, Gary K. Bertsch, a former UGA faculty member and administrator, will present the Founders’ Day Lecture at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 27 in the UGA Chapel. Bertsch will discuss “UGA and ‘the rising hope of our land’ in a New World Order.” The lecture is open to the public.

The annual lecture recognizes the date UGA was established in 1785 when the Georgia General Assembly adopted a charter creating the university as the country’s first state-chartered institution of higher education. Undergraduate Josh McLaurin, an international affairs major, will deliver the student response to Bertsch’s presentation.

“Having Dr. Bertsch deliver our 225th anniversary lecture is a wonderful opportunity for the university,” said Deborah Dietzler, executive director of the UGA Alumni Association. “Given Gary’s broad international affairs experience, the lecture will be a great way to celebrate UGA’s anniversary.”

Bertsch joined the university as a faculty member in 1969 and is the founding director of UGA’s Center for International Trade and Security. He is also co-founder and co-director of the Delta Prize for Global Understanding, an annual university honor whose recipients include Jimmy Carter, Mikhail Gorbachev and Desmond Tutu.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Law School Lecture

The School of Law's Dean Rusk Center presents “Morality in Armed Conflict: Dilemma of the Decision Maker in Operational Counterterrorism.” A lecture by Amos N. Guiora, Professor of Law, S.J. Quinney College of Law, University of Utah. Tuesday, October 27 at 12:30 pm in the Larry Walker Room, 4th floor, Rusk Hall, North Campus. Pizza and refreshments will be served.

About this program: In addressing the operational dilemmas of the commander in operational decision making, Professor Guiora will address morality in armed conflict, and legal and policy aspects of counterterrorism and international law issues.

Presented in cooperation with the Consulate General of Israel to the Southeast.

Monday, October 19, 2009

105th Sibley Lecture

The 105th Sibley Lecture will be held on Wednesday, October 28 at 4:30 pm in the Hatton Lovejoy Courtroom in Hirsch Hall. The featured speaker will be Frederick Schauer of the University of Virginia's School of Law speaking on, "When and How (If at All) Does Law Constrain Official Action? Exploring the degree to which decisions of government figures are influenced by the law and the court system." A PDF version of the flyer for this event can be downloaded here.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Congratulations are in order

Congratulations to Drs. Douglas Stinnett and Jaroslav Tir upon receiving a National Science Foundation grant of $ 236,034 to examine the following topic: “ Avoiding Water Wars: Environmental Security Through River Treaty Institutionalization". Funds provided by this award include support from the US Department of Defense/Department of the Army/Army Research Office.

In addition, Dr. Tir's article, co-authored with Matt Fuhrmann (one of our very talented DIA Ph.D’s who is now an Assistant Professor at the University of South Carolina after a stint Harvard’s Belfer Center as a post-doc) entitled “Territorial Dimensions of Enduring Internal Rivalries” (2009; 26, 307-329) is a the top of the list of the 50 Most Frequently Read Articles (based on full-text and pdf views) in the Journal of Conflict Management and Peace Science. (That list is re-calculated on a monthly basis).

Last but certainly not least, IA alum Jheison Romain (AB '09) is serving a three month internship at the White House for the Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs. He is featured in an October 7 Red & Black article.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dates to remember

A few upcoming noteworthy dates. Although the midpoint of fall semester is October 8, the midpoint withdrawal deadline is Thursday, October 22. Unless there are mitigating circumstances documented by the Office of Student Affairs, any student who withdraws from a class after that date receives a WF for the course.

Also, fall break is Friday, October 30. Please note that day is the first of six furlough days for UGA. Aside from a few core functions, UGA will be closed. Faculty and staff have been instructed not to come to campus that day or conduct any work-related activities, which includes responding to student email messages. So if you need to contact one of our faculty, send them an email before that date.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dirty Book sale

For those of you who like to read for fun and not because you have to, the UGA Press' Dirty Book Sale will be held October 1 & 2 at the Tate Center Plaza. No, they're not the adult material kind of dirty. They're books that have been damaged, some just slightly, some moreso, but all being sold dirt cheap. Who knows? Maybe you'll find something related to international affairs/relations amongst the stacks.