Friday, October 23, 2009

Law School Lecture

The School of Law's Dean Rusk Center presents “Morality in Armed Conflict: Dilemma of the Decision Maker in Operational Counterterrorism.” A lecture by Amos N. Guiora, Professor of Law, S.J. Quinney College of Law, University of Utah. Tuesday, October 27 at 12:30 pm in the Larry Walker Room, 4th floor, Rusk Hall, North Campus. Pizza and refreshments will be served.

About this program: In addressing the operational dilemmas of the commander in operational decision making, Professor Guiora will address morality in armed conflict, and legal and policy aspects of counterterrorism and international law issues.

Presented in cooperation with the Consulate General of Israel to the Southeast.

Monday, October 19, 2009

105th Sibley Lecture

The 105th Sibley Lecture will be held on Wednesday, October 28 at 4:30 pm in the Hatton Lovejoy Courtroom in Hirsch Hall. The featured speaker will be Frederick Schauer of the University of Virginia's School of Law speaking on, "When and How (If at All) Does Law Constrain Official Action? Exploring the degree to which decisions of government figures are influenced by the law and the court system." A PDF version of the flyer for this event can be downloaded here.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Congratulations are in order

Congratulations to Drs. Douglas Stinnett and Jaroslav Tir upon receiving a National Science Foundation grant of $ 236,034 to examine the following topic: “ Avoiding Water Wars: Environmental Security Through River Treaty Institutionalization". Funds provided by this award include support from the US Department of Defense/Department of the Army/Army Research Office.

In addition, Dr. Tir's article, co-authored with Matt Fuhrmann (one of our very talented DIA Ph.D’s who is now an Assistant Professor at the University of South Carolina after a stint Harvard’s Belfer Center as a post-doc) entitled “Territorial Dimensions of Enduring Internal Rivalries” (2009; 26, 307-329) is a the top of the list of the 50 Most Frequently Read Articles (based on full-text and pdf views) in the Journal of Conflict Management and Peace Science. (That list is re-calculated on a monthly basis).

Last but certainly not least, IA alum Jheison Romain (AB '09) is serving a three month internship at the White House for the Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs. He is featured in an October 7 Red & Black article.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dates to remember

A few upcoming noteworthy dates. Although the midpoint of fall semester is October 8, the midpoint withdrawal deadline is Thursday, October 22. Unless there are mitigating circumstances documented by the Office of Student Affairs, any student who withdraws from a class after that date receives a WF for the course.

Also, fall break is Friday, October 30. Please note that day is the first of six furlough days for UGA. Aside from a few core functions, UGA will be closed. Faculty and staff have been instructed not to come to campus that day or conduct any work-related activities, which includes responding to student email messages. So if you need to contact one of our faculty, send them an email before that date.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dirty Book sale

For those of you who like to read for fun and not because you have to, the UGA Press' Dirty Book Sale will be held October 1 & 2 at the Tate Center Plaza. No, they're not the adult material kind of dirty. They're books that have been damaged, some just slightly, some moreso, but all being sold dirt cheap. Who knows? Maybe you'll find something related to international affairs/relations amongst the stacks.

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Congratulations to alumnus Robert Kazer (AB, '09) on being a recipient of a Fulbright Scholarship for 2009-2010. He will spend a year in Jordan and will conduct research on the origins and establishment of Jordanian domestic policies focused on Iraqi refugees. His analysis will highlight how these policies relate to the country’s experience with Palestinian refugees. He already has studied in Morocco and taken Arabic language courses in Jordan and Yemen.

The Fulbright U.S. Student Program, sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, is the largest international exchange program in the country. Created in 1946 to develop cross-cultural understanding and support international cooperation, the program awards approximately 1,500 grants annually and operates in more than 130 countries worldwide.

Dr. Han Park will give a lecture entitled “Conflict Mediation­—Personal Reflections on the Release of American Journalists from North Korea,” discussing the role he played in last month's highly publicized release of journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling.

The lecture will take place Wednesday, Sept. 16, at 3:30 p.m. in the Larry Walker Room on the fourth floor of Dean Rusk Hall on North Campus. Sponsored by the School of Law’s Dean Rusk Center and the School of Public and International Affairs, the event is free and open to the public.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Resume and Internships for SPIA Majors

This was included in the most recent message sent to the Career Center's listserv.


September 2, 4-5PM, MLC Room 150, Blue Card Event
You probably know internships are good to get but do you know how to get good internships and build on your resume? Getting involved on campus and in the community and seeking internships will provide you with skills and experience to add to your resume while also enhancing your experience at UGA. Learn the best strategies for finding and getting internships that are a great fit for your interests and other top tips on how to build a great
resume that will impress employers.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Changes for fall semester

With just a few days to go before the start of fall semester, I just wanted to let you all know about a few changes to our fall INTL schedule. First, for those students enrolled in Stacey Mitchell’s INTL 4780 special topics course on genocide, please note that the location for the class has been moved from the Journalism building to room 203 Caldwell Hall.

Second, Dr. Abdulah Osman has resigned from the university. This turn of events has directly impacted the two courses he was to teach in the fall. Unfortunately, we have been forced to cancel his INTL 4355 class, as we could not find someone who was available and could teach that topic, nor the money to pay whomever we found. Our apologies to those students whose schedules are disrupted by the cancellation of the course.

With regards to Dr. Osman’s INTL 3300 course, just today we found someone to teach the class. The new instructor will be Murat Bayar. Because he’s been assigned to the class so close to the start of the semester, it’s highly likely that his textbooks will not be in to the UGA Bookstore before the first day of classes. For those who’d like to try a faster route, such as Amazon, the book he will be using is:

Essential Readings in Comparative Politics (Second Edition) (Paperback) by Patrick H. O'Neil (Editor), Ronald Rogowski (Editor), ISBN-13: 978-0393929508

Monday, July 27, 2009

End of summer

With final exams coming up at the end of this week, we'd like to wish everyone good luck. To those of you who are graduating at the end of summer, we'd like to wish you the best of luck and extend our best wishes in all your future endeavors.

On a final note, the department welcomes Dr. Markus Crepaz who became our new department head as of July 1. Dr. Crepaz takes over at the helm for Dr. Howard Wiarda, who had served as head since the department set up shop in Candler Hall and started offering INTL courses in the fall of 2003.

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Our revised web site

We launched our revised IA web site today. Our goal was to make it more streamlined and easier to navigate and find information on it. We're still working out a few kinks in it, but if you encounter a problem with the site, please let us know at

Monday, June 15, 2009

Dates to remember

Some upcoming dates to remember for those of you taking first and second short session courses.

The midpoint withdrawal deadline for the first short session is Monday, June 22. Students who drop after that date receive a WF for the course, and also remember that as of fall semester 2008 students are only allowed to drop four classes in total while at UGA.

Classes end for the first short session on Wednesday, July 1, and finals are on July 2.

UGA will be closed on Friday, July 3.

The second short session begins on Monday, July 6. The midpoint withdrawal deadline is Tuesday, July 21. Classes end on Thursday, July 30, with final exams on Friday, July 31.

Friday, May 08, 2009

End of the semester

Now that another semester has come to an end, we'd like to wish our students who are graduating this semester the best of luck in your future endeavors. For those who will continue to be with us, just know that we're looking to add some intro level courses to the summer schedule and adding additional courses in the fall to what's already available.

If you're going to be taking classes during the summer, word on the street (no pun intended) is that starting June 1 the GDOT is planning on resurfacing Milledge Avenue, one section at a time, from Prince Avenue all the way down to the bypass. So if you thought traffic on Milledge was bad now, just wait.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

Individual Rights in India

Individual Rights in India: a Perspective from the Supreme Court
a lecture by
The Honorable K.G. Balakrishnan,
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India

When: Monday, April 6 at 2:00 pm
Where: Hatton Lovejoy Courtroom, Hirsch Hall, School of Law (North Campus)

Presented by: The School of Law's Dean Rusk Center

Indian Supreme Court Justice to speak on individual rights
Athens, Ga. – Chief Justice K.G. Balakrishnan of the Supreme Court of India will lecture on “Individual Rights in India: A Perspective from the Supreme Court” on April 6 at 2:00 p.m. The talk is sponsored by the University of Georgia School of Law’s Dean Rusk Center and will take place in the Hatton Lovejoy Courtroom of Hirsch Hall (North Campus). This event is free and open to the public.

A native of India, Balakrishnan began his career in law as an advocate of the Kerala Bar Council in 1968. In 1985, he was appointed as a judge of the Kerala High Court. He was transferred to the Gujarat High Court, becoming its chief justice in 1998. He then served on the High Court of Judicature in Madras, where he became chief justice, before being elevated to the Supreme Court of India in 2000. He became the chief justice of India in 2007.

In addition to his courtroom duties, Balakrishnan is also president of the Indian Law Institute, which was founded in 1956 with the primary objective of promoting and conducting legal research to meet the social, economic and other needs of the Indian people. Improvement of legal education is also part of its mission.

The Chief Justice is visiting Atlanta and Athens, Ga., as part of a distinguished delegation, which also includes Supreme Court of India Justice Arijit Pasayat and several high-ranking members of the Ministry of Law and Justice, and the Indian Law Institute. The group will be taking part in events in Atlanta, touring the University of Georgia School of Law and meeting with members of the law school’s Dean Rusk Center.

Monday, March 16, 2009

CITS 20th Anniversary

The Center for International Trade and Security is pleased to commemorate its 20th Anniversary on Wednesday, March 18, 2009. The event will include panels covering strategic trade control issues, nuclear proliferation and security, and the importance of continued work in the field. Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and other experts will participate. The celebration will include friends, colleagues and stake-holders of the Center. All events will be held in the Georgia Center for Continuing Education. For more information, contact the Center at 706-542-2985.

Morning Panel

Nuclear Renaissance, Disarmament, Terrorism and Proliferation

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Masters Hall, Georgia Center for Continuing Education

This panel discussion will be moderated by Center Director, Dr. Gary Bertsch, and includes 2005 Nobel Peace Prize winner, Dr. Mohamed ElBaradei (Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency in Vienna, Austria), General Gene Habiger (former Commander in Chief of all U.S. nuclear forces), Joseph Cirincione (President of the Ploughshares Fund), and other national and international experts. The panelists will address the key issues surrounding nuclear energy and weapons, including the threat of nuclear weapons proliferation, terrorism and disarmament.

Afternoon Panel

Controlling Weapons Proliferation and Promoting Peaceful Trade

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Room K-L, Georgia Center for Continuing Education

This panel will be moderated by Dr. Scott Jones, CITS Executive Director, and include experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency, leading global companies and think tanks. The panel discussion will call attention to an international nuclear black market and discuss how countries like Iran have been able to buy technology and components aiding their nuclear weapons programs. The panelists will offer recommendations to the Obama Administration and global leaders, governments and businesses on how to promote peaceful trade and prevent the global spread of weapons of mass destruction.

Friday, March 06, 2009

The Conduct of Foreign Policy under the Obama Administration

The Conduct of Foreign Policy under the Obama Administration - a lecture (with a Q&A on careers in foreign affairs) by former U.S. career diplomats Earle and Barbara Scarlett

When: Thursday, March 19 at 12:30pm
Where: 4th Floor, Dean Rusk Hall, North Campus

Pizza and refreshments will be served

Presented by: The Dean Rusk Center in cooperation with the Department of International Affairs and the Carl Vinson Institute of Government

Career diplomats to address Obama’s foreign policy

Husband and wife career public service diplomats, who have a combined 50-plus years of experience in United States and United Nations international diplomacy, will share their thoughts on President Barack Obama’s foreign policy plans as part of an event sponsored by the School of Law's Dean Rusk Center in cooperation with the Department of International Affairs and the Carl Vinson Institute of Government. A question and answer session on careers in foreign affairs will follow.

The Scarletts have served in the countries of Cameroon, Bosnia, Brazil, the Philippines, Ireland and the former Yugoslavia. Earle has represented our country or the UN in sensitive relationships with then-Yugoslavian President Slobodan Milosevic (who was subsequently indicted for war crimes), with Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos during his removal from power, and with Chinese officials during the Tiananmen Square uprising. Barbara has worked in the areas of strategic policy planning, cultural administration and media relations for the advancement of U.S. foreign policy objectives abroad.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Two upcoming dates to remind everyone about.

First, the midpoint withdrawal deadline is Thursday, March 24. Withdrawing from a class beyond that date will result in your receiving a WF for the course. Also please note the recent change in university policy regarding withdrawals. As of fall semester 2008, students are limited to four (4) Withdraw Passing (WP) grades for the duration of your time at UGA--something to consider before withdrawing from a class.

Second, it will soon be time to "spring ahead." Daylight Savings Time begins on March 8, right at the beginning of spring break. Clocks will move ahead an hour on that day.

SPIA Excellence in Teaching Award

Congratulations to Dr. Brock Tessman, recipient of the 2009 SPIA Excellence in Teaching Award. Dr. Tessman has been with UGA and the Department of International Affairs since the fall of 2006, and has taught courses on international security, foreign policy, advanced political simulations. His book, International Relations in Action, was published by Lynne Rienner Publishers in 2006.

North Korea Forum

GLOBIS will be hosting its second round of North Korea Institute Forum from March 2-6. SPIA students who may be interested in attending may attend the sessions for free, and have the option of paying $20.00 for the day to stay for lunch and have the opportunity to talk with the instructors. For more information, click here.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

International Commercial Arbitration

The Georgia Journal of International and Comparative Law


The Dean Rusk Center

with support from The American Society of International Law

will proudly host

“International Commercial Arbitration:

Fifty Years After the New York Convention

January 30, 2009,

at the University of Georgia School of Law in Athens, Georgia.

Ø Keynote speaker: Gary Born, Partner, Wilmer Hale; Panelists include: Robert B. Davidson, Executive Director of Arbitration, JAMS; Anne Whitesell, Former Secretary General of the ICC International Court of Arbitration; William K. Slate, II, President, American Arbitration Association.

Ø Welcome reception on the evening of January 29, 2009.

Ø Panels: (1) The New York Convention - the Next 50 Years; (2) Federal Arbitration Act Reform; and (3) Beyond Commercial Arbitration - Lessons from Other Models.

For more information, a complete list of panelists and to RSVP by January 28, please visit:

Contact: Mercedes Ball, Executive Conference Editor, at: or (706) 825-4061.