Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Election Night Event

The Law School Democrats will be holding an Election Night Event at the Georgia Theater on November 4 at 8pm to watch election results as they come in on the theater's big screen television. The event is open to everyone in the Athens community 18 years of age and older. For more information, email Jarrod Jenkins, president of the Law School Democrats, at

Monday, October 27, 2008

Fall behind

A reminder that clocks fall behind this coming weekend. Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday, November 2. Don't be "that guy/girl" who shows up an hour early for their first class.


Congratulations to two of our graduate students, who placed in this year's ISA-South Graduate Student Paper Competition:

Mwita Chacha won Second Runner-up for his paper, "Why Belgium? Regional Attachment and Support for the European Union."

Annie Kryzanek won First Runner-up for her paper, "Bridging New Democracies: The Dynamics of Trust and Participation in African Countries."

Both students received a plaque, cash awards, and a one year membership to ISA and ISA-South.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

UGA Travel, Study, and Work Abroad Fair

The 24th annual UGA Travel, Study and Work Abroad Fair will be held on Wednesday, October 15 and Thursday, October 16 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Student Learning Center Rotunda (4th floor). This year 80 UGA and external study abroad programs will be available to provide study abroad information for the UGA community. For more information, visit

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Mid-term reminder

Just reminder to everyone that while the midpoint of fall semester is Thursday, October 9, the midpoint withdrawal deadline is Thursday, October 23. With the new withdrawal policies in place, you'll now typically receive a WP (withdraw passing) instead of a W, though it is within the discretion of an instructor to issue a WF (withdraw failing) for drops made prior to the deadline if they feel it is warranted.

Also remember the new university policy on withdrawals; starting this semester you are allowed a maximum of 4 course drops during your undergraduate academic career at UGA. There are exceptions to this policy which include military, medical, and hardship withdrawals.