Friday, June 22, 2007

In the news

Dr. Mia Bloom participated in a webchat for the U.S. State Department on Wednesday, June 20, 2007. She discussed women participating in terrorist organizations. A transcript of her chat can be found on the State Department's web site here.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Fulbright Program

The Fulbright Program for U.S. Students provides scholarships for recent graduates and graduate students to conduct research or to teach English overseas.

Applications are now available online for 2008-09. The campus deadline for completed applications is September 24, 2007.

UGA students interested in applying should consult the Fulbright web site ( Further information can be obtained from the campus Fulbright Program Advisor, Dr. Steve Elliott-Gower (

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

In the news

Dr. Patricia Sullivan is featured in a UGA news release as well as in an ABC News article on her study which studied weaker nations prevailing over stronger ones in military conflicts.

Dr. Han Park is featured in a June 8, 2007 op-ed in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution on President Bush's justification for a continuing U.S. military presence in Iraq and comparing that situation to South Korea.

Dr. Mia Bloom is quoted in a journal article on female suicide bombers, "The Bomb Under the Abaya," by Judith Miller which appears in the June/July 2007 edition of Policy Review, a publication of the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace at Stanford University.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Lecturer Recruitment for 2007-08

The Department of International Affairs at The University of Georgia seeks candidates for a one-year Lecturer teaching position. The course load for the position is six courses total. The Department seeks candidates who can teach introductory and upper-division courses in international relations and/or comparative politics. Compensation ranges from $45,000-$50,000, depending upon qualifications. Prospective candidates should submit a cover letter indicating their teaching interests and experience, curriculum vita, and at least three letters of recommendation. Candidates may also include additional relevant materials: e.g. course syllabi, teaching evaluations, etc. A Ph.D. is required. Please address materials to Department of International Affairs, University of Georgia, Instructional Search, 301 Candler Hall, Athens, Georgia 30602. Applications received by June 22, 2007 will receive full consideration. The University of Georgia is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution; applications from women and minorities are especially encouraged.