Monday, February 26, 2007

Midpoint withdrawal deadline

Just a reminder that the midpoint withdrawal deadline is this Thursday, March 1. If you drop a course after that date you will receive a WF for the class.

On a related note, we've added a calendar page on our department web site listing upcoming, noteworthy department related events and academic calendar dates and deadlines. As we're utilizing Google for our calendar, if you have a Google calendar of your own you can add events from our calendar to yours.

Monday, February 19, 2007

SPIA Excellence in Teaching Award

Congratulations to Dr. Markus Crepaz on being named the recipient of the 2007 SPIA Excellence in Teaching Award. Dr. Crepaz has been with the university since 1993 and has taught courses on comparative political analysis, postindustrial democracies, and graduate level methodology. His book, European Democracies, which he co-authored with Jürg Steiner, was published by Longman-Pearson Press in 2006, while his next book, Trust beyond borders: Immigration, the Welfare State and Identity in Modern Societies, is slated to be published by the University of Michigan Press in 2007.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

GLOBIS Friday Forum, Feb, 16

Please join us this Friday, February 16th, from 2:00 to 3:00PM for the next installment in the ongoing Friday Forum Series hosted by The Center for the Study of Global Issues (GLOBIS), to be held in the 4th floor conference room of the Franklin House. This week's talk, "Risky Business: Third Party Trade with Sanctioned States," will be delivered by Mr. Bryan Early, a graduate student in the Department of International Affairs at the University of Georgia. An abstract follows:

The paper explores the factors that determine whether third party states' trade with sanctioned states increases or decreases after sanctions are imposed upon them. Using a triadic model, I explain how economic and political factors regarding third party states' relations with both the sanctions sender and the target of the sanctions ultimately affect third party states' trade with the sanctions target.

Also, please plan ahead for the next forum. On Friday, March 2nd, at 2:00PM, Dr. Patricia Sullivan of the Department of International Affairs will present her work. In addition, if anyone is interested in presenting a paper, thesis, prospectus, or dissertation to an interested and informed audience, please contact Jon Polk at the e-mail address or phone number listed below.

GLOBIS is located in the historic Franklin House on the corner of Thomas St. and Broad St. at the Northern edge of campus. Please email or call 706-542-6633 for directions.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

International Law Colloquium

For those interested in such things, the School of Law is presenting their International Law Colloquium Series again during spring semester. The series kicks off tomorrow, February 9 with Curtis Bradley from Duke University presenting his paper, "Unratified Treaties, Domestic Politics and the US Constitution." His presentation will be from 2:30-4:00 in the Cheeley Room on the third floor of the main Law School building. Click here to see the full schedule of speakers for their colloquium series.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Pardon our mess

Anyone who's come to Candler Hall of late has likely noticed the work going on in front of the building. The Physical Plant is doing a lot of digging in order to waterseal the foundation. One of the side effects of having this work done is that the handicap access ramp in the front had to be removed to allow excavation work on that side of the building. The current work schedule calls for the ramp to be replaced anywhere from two to three months from now. If you're a student with a disability who needs to get into Candler but cannot climb the front steps, please know that there is another way to access the building in the back. So if you'll need to gain access to Candler through that entrance, depending upon which office you need to see please contact one of the following numbers in advance:

Department of International Affairs: 542-6705
SPIA Dean's Office: 542-2059
Undergraduate Advising: 542-0096

In the news

Dr. Han Park is featured in the February 7, 2007 edition of the Athens Banner-Herald in an editorial on the Iraq war. The article can be found here.