Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Phishing alert

There is an email making the rounds on campus bearing the subject line, "Confirm your email account." It's meant to look like it came from UGA, including a link to, but it's not. The actual addy for UGA's webmail is This message is a phishing scam. Just delete the message and know that your UGA email account will be just fine.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Bipartisan Advice to the Next Administration

In commemoration of the 30th Anniversary of the Dean Rusk Center for International Law, the University of Georgia School of Law joins the Southern Center for International Studies in presenting the 16th Report of the Secretaries of State. Join Henry Kissinger, James Baker III, Warren Christopher, Madeleine Albright and Colin Powell in a unique forum moderated by newscaster Terence Smith of "The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer." The March 27th conference will be videotaped for later television broadcast. For more information, click here.

North Korea Forum

The Center for the Study of Global Issues (GLOBIS) will be hosting a forum on North Korea, April 20-27, 2008. The Forum will be a five-day intensive immersion consisting of both seminar-type classes and panel discussion fora. The program will be directed by expert scholars with firsthand knowledge of the DPRK, drawn from around the world. All facets of the DPRK will be covered in-depth, including its politics, culture, social structure, domestic and foreign policy, history, and economics. For more information, click here.