Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Upcoming dates of importance

A few upcoming dates students need to be aware of.

Tuesday, October 9 is the mid-point of fall semester, but the mid-point withdrawal deadline is Friday, October 12. After that date students who withdraw from a class receive a WF for the course.

Fall break is October 25 & 26.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Science & Security Lecture

The University of Georgia

Science and Security Lecture


Please join us for this interdisciplinary seminar series which brings UGA scientists and policy experts together to address the most pressing security challenges of the 21st century.

Building a


Kendall Hoyt
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Dartmouth Medical School

Tuesday, September 18, 2007
12:30 p.m.

Paul D. Coverdell Center for Biomedical and Health Sciences Auditorium

www.biomed.uga.edu * www.cits.uga.edu

Sponsored by the Biomedical and Health Sciences Institute and the Center for International Trade and Security at UGA

Link to FLYER: http://www.biomed.uga.edu/S&SLecture_09.18.07.pdf

GLOBIS Friday Forum, Sept. 21

Please join us Friday, September 21st from 1:00 to 2:00PM for the next installment in the ongoing Friday Forum Series hosted by The Center for the Study of Global Issues (Globis), to be held in the 4th floor conference room of the Franklin House. This week's presentation is by SPIA Adjunct Professor of International Affairs and Associate Director of Globis-Europe, Dr. Carlo Pelanda.  The talk, based on his new book, is entitled, "The Grand Alliance: The Global Integration of Democracies"  An abstract follows:

"The system of world governance built on US dominance, the Dollar and the Western nature of international institutions is crumbling. The United States is still the single most powerful country in the world but it is now too "small" to maintain its role as global governor as it has done since 1945. The world has simply become too big to be governed by one power. Current trends show that divergent regional blocks and mega-nations are being formed. This will weaken the governance of the global economy and exacerbate its security problems, increasing the risk of destabilisation over the entire planet. A period of research has begun to identify international political architecture able to keep the world stable. This book is part of this research and recommends the future alliance of the world's great democracies: America, countries in the European Union, Russia,India and Japan. The gradual convergence of military and economic power within these nations will produce credible global governance based on Western and technical values. But to bring this about, the European Union will have to shift from its current passive role to become an active player in international relations."

Also, if anyone is interested in presenting a paper, thesis, prospectus, or dissertation, please contact Jon Polk at the e-mail address or phone number listed below.

Finally, please mark your calendars for Friday, September 28th, the next installment of the Globis Friday Forum, which will be a presentation by Njeri Marekia-Cleaveland, the African Program Specialist for the International Center for Democratic Governance at the Carl Vinson Institute of Government.

Globis is located in the historic Franklin House on the corner of Thomas St.
and Broad St. at the Northern edge of campus. Please e-mail jonpolk@uga.edu
or call 706-542-6633 for directions or to be removed from our mailing list.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Study, work, and travel abroad fair

UGA students, faculty, and staff will have the opportunity to gather information and speak to representatives from dozens of study, work, and travel abroad programs from every continent at the annual Study, Work, and Travel Abroad Fair on October 3-4. The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Georgia Hall of the Tate Student Center.

Last year, nearly 2,000 students attended and learned about the variety of options available. Students can work, volunteer or study a foreign language abroad while earning credit toward their degrees.

Options Abroad Sessions in the Office of International Education (third floor, Bank of America Building) are also available for students to obtain additional information about study abroad programs. These small-group sessions (approximately 50 minutes) are offered three times a week on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday afternoons. To reserve a space for a session or to schedule an appointment with a study abroad advisor, students may call 706-425-3274.

For more information on UGA's study abroad programs, visit: http://www.uga.edu/oie.

In the news

Dr. Patricia Sullivan is featured in the September 10 edition of Columns, the UGA faculty/staff newsletter, on her research regarding how militarily weaker nations prevail over stronger ones. Read the article here.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Some pictures

A few photos of the display of miniature American flags at the Memorial Garden outside the SLC for the sixth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.