Wednesday, May 24, 2006

May midpoint withdrawal deadline

The midpoint withdrawal deadline for May term is tomorrow, May 25. Withdrawals after that date will receive a WF for the course.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Commencement Reception

From Paul Welch in the SPIA Undergraduate Office:

Dean Lauth and the Faculty and Staff of the School of Public and International Affairs invite all Candidates for Graduation who will be participating in Commencement ceremonies this Saturday to the SPIA Commencement Reception.

The reception will be in the Candler Hall lobby immediately following Commencement. We look forward to seeing you one more time this Saturday for refreshments, conversations and congratulations all around.

Monday, May 01, 2006

End of the semester

We've reached the end of yet another semester here at UGA. Good luck to everyone with their final exams, and best wishes to all who will be graduating this semester.

Two quick items of note. First, if you find any discrepancies between the printed summer and fall schedules on the INTL website and in OASIS, OASIS is likely correct. Due to a software glitch we temporarily cannot upload changes to the departmental site. We hope to have that fixed soon.

Also, this friendly and helpful note from the UGA Police Department:

*The University of Georgia*
/Police Department/

May 1, 2006

Contact: Jimmy Williamson or Lisa Boone 706/542-5813

Recently the University of Georgia community has experienced a number of burglaries and thefts from offices on the UGA campus. The University of Georgia Police Department is asking for the help of the University community in stopping these incidents and apprehending the responsible person or persons. Remember that it takes everyone’s involvement and assistance to prevent thefts!

In some cases, persons in the area of a burglary or theft have seen people in the area that seemed suspicious. We would like to remind everyone to please call the UGA Police Department at 706-542-2200 if they see anyone on campus that seems suspicious. This includes, but is certainly not limited to, people you do not recognize who are seen in areas that do not normally get foot traffic, people attempting to enter areas without proper authorization, people attempting to enter areas by “piggybacking” off of authorized entries where keycards or keys are needed to enter, and people attempting to open doors or other entry ways with objects, or who seem to be having trouble entering an area with a keycard or key.

Please also remember that you should not prop open doors, hold doors open for unauthorized entry, or allow persons to “piggyback” off your entry into an area with a key or keycard. This is true at all times, but especially during the hours the University is closed.

If you see anyone who is having difficulty or seems suspicious, please call the University Police at 706-542-2200. Our officers are trained and will be able to assist the person. If we find that a person needs access to an area, we will be able to put them in contact with personnel who can assist them.

You may also contact the University Police Administration during normal business hours at 706-542-5813 if you have any questions or wish any further information about preventing crime on the UGA campus. We thank you in advance for your assistance with this important task!